The Shame Files: Month 2

So this is where I self-congratulate in a public forum. Or not. We reduced our plastic use by 5 items this month – hurrah! Ok, so I’m a little disappointed that we haven’t seen as much of a change as I’d like.

Here is the continuation of The Shame Files…

My name is Rachel and I use plastic. This much plastic in fact for February.

bottlegraphic no text

The plastsick challenge: Month 2

It’s 72 pieces of plastic. Admittedly, a good 30 or so of these were nappies, which only accounted for about 4 out of 77 from Month 1. So, yes, we definitely have gotten better. And hey, if we didn’t use all those I wouldn’t have such a fancy “bottlegraphic”.

We here in Brisbane and the general surrounds have had atrocious nappy weather of late (read: devastating floods), and I will need to admit that after all the chest-beating in the last post about cloth nappies, we were struck with an atrocious case of genital pustulas. Yes, that’s the technical term. Both bubs sprouted little red sores on their wing wangs and the only cure was a good week or so of disposables. This was after two visits to the doctors who didn’t know what it was and didn’t suggest swapping nappies. But mama’s instinct overcame my plastic avoidance instinct (this, however was a toughly fought battle) and after a quick trial on disposables, we are all better again. The F-man keeps getting a bit of a recurrence if he sleeps in cloth nappies so we’ve continued to use the disposables overnight for him. Hmm, it’s a nappypalooza at the moment, I still have to get going on two blog posts that are drafted and awaiting an attack of the mama-had-lots-of-coffee-and-stays-up-late-frantically-writing. One on all the ins-and-outs of cloth nappies, and one on choosing more ethical disposable nappies.

And not to mention keep up the vigilance about plastic and single use crap.

Phew, wish me luck!

7 thoughts on “The Shame Files: Month 2

  1. Yay an Aussie blogger! Love to you! (I just posted my waste update, I’m trying to limit my trash in total, but plastic is a large chunk of it, for sure!)

  2. Hey Rachel! Catching up on the Blog-o-sphere so pardon the late comment. You may have already sorted (or at very best reconciled) your night time cloth / disposable issue. But incase you haven’t. There are some fantastic disposable style inserts you can get that stick or stuff into your existing shells or pockets – so you’re only throwing away the absorbent bit and the waterproof (normally plastic), velcro and elastic bits are being washed and reused. Better yet, they can be popped in your compost bin. Brands include Gro Via, Cushie Tushies and Gently. You can get Cushies and Gro Via at Nest.

    • Thanks Elizabeth, yes I have tried these just recently. They were cushie tushies I think. Loved them but I just wish my supermarket stocked them as its not as easy to always come in to Nest or get them online. Thank you so much for reading and please keep commenting 🙂

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